Since it has been 6 months since my last update I figure it is time for a short update!!
Lets see....
-Disneyland for spring break, we went with some great friends (moms and kids...no hubbys, they had to stay home and work to afford to send us on trips like this....LOL, thanks sweetie)...had a blast, all the kids were angels the whole time...i just wish we could have spent a few extra days to enjoy it a bit longer!
-SCHOOLS OUT..am I the only one that is so excited for school to be out???...no more "is your home work done", "time for bed", "get to bed its a school night", is your home work done, is your home work done!! UGH...I thought when I graduated I was done with homework....SO not the case, and lets be honest I can't help with Math!! LOl Braxton is already so beyond my knowledge of math!! Any-hoo, we survived 7th grade with a crazy basketball schedule and ended up with great grades the whole time~~ GOOD JOB Braxton, we are always so proud of you! Heres to 8th Grade!!
-Zoi is getting so big and is almost a year, why does this time go by so fast!?! She is learning so much and is just a huge joy in our lives!
-Braxton broke his foot playing a mean game of basketball!! He was out for the last of the summer season and had to miss a few camps, but he is healing nicely and back at the basketball training!!
-Me and the kids went to the Hogle Zoo one day and we had the best time! Weather was perfect, not to hot! All the animals were out and Zoi was so excited and the elephants!!
-WHAT THE CRAP???...I'm prego!! Yes you read that correct, I am having baby number 3!! It was a HUGE surprise, but a GREAT surprise! Zoi and new baby will be 17 months apart, and I am sure they will best of friends!! My due date is Jan. 17.....day after Braxtons birthday! I promise to post again when we know the sex!! :)
-Going forward......we are getting ready to leave for Vegas/California. Braxton is going to attend the Kobe Bryant Camp in Santa Barbara, I guess if you want to be the best, you should train with the best, right?!?! I am so happy for him and can't wait to hear all about his experience (and yes Kobe is very involved and is at camp everyday. We are leaving a few days early to spend some time in Vegas to visit my dad, can't wait to be pool side!! Ray is actually taking vacation, and I can't wait to spend some good quality family time together, we are going to have a blast!! I will post pictures when we get back!