Friday, May 9, 2008

6 Week Boot Camp....

Come one, come all!! I am starting a new Boot Camp course that will be offered starting in just a couple of weeks!

Here is a little information if anyone is interested:

A new you in just 6 weeks!

$200 (averages out to only $16.66/each session)

-Lose inches having will be hard work, but you can do it!!

-All levels, you don't need to be an athlete to come have fun!

-Outdoor fitness

-Meet 2 days a week

-Measurements every week

-Some insight to what we will be doing (push-ups, jump rope, interval runs, abs, strength training, and more)

-Contact me through email if you and your friends are ready to get swimsuit ready!!


Amber said...

Starting in January I will take you up on this. You will need to whip me back into shape!

Monica said...

LOL....January, is there a reason you will need to be whipped back into shape??? Are we talking baby #2????

Rachel said...

So what kind of program do you have where I magically get in shape without lifting a finger???

Andrea said...

Oh my gosh Monica, I really want to do this. I have to get tone for summer but right now I am taking a break from working out. I have this problem with my leg that is the most frustrating thing ever!! I am really iritated by it because I cant do anything with out it acting up. I have been going to a pilates class once a week but even that I might have to give up. Sorry, but good luck, I would totally do it if I could.

Monica said...

Andrea-that is awful about your leg, I wish someone could figure out what was going on. I swear doctors don't really know what they are doing!! I am having some problems with my right leg.....causing me to lose a lot of training time with my upcoming race, I am just at the point that I hope I can get through it!! When you are feeling better, I am sure I will still be doing the courses!! Get better soon.

Trent & Emily Davies said...

Oh man I so need to join. Ever since I have had Erika I just can't seem to stop gaining weight...or find the energy to do anything about it!! Its a good thing she is so dang cute!

s.s parker said...

hey lady when are you starting this? ill be out the first week of June and would love to join!