What is on my to do list for today?
1. Send off expense reports
2. Contact ladies for boot camp class tomorrow and let them know of location change
3. Clean house
4. Pull weeds in the yard
If you can believe it...I accomplished all the above, and some items that were not mentioned... like take a NAP!!
What are three bad habits of mine?
1. picking at my nails!
2. stressing over being late for anything.....but is that really a bad habit, I see nothing wrong with being prompt!
3. procrastinating with folding laundry...worst job ever!
Three things you may not know about me?
1. I have been trying to lose 10 lbs. since I have met my husband!! LOL (he informed me that I am always trying to lose that famous 10, no matter what size I am!!)
2. I love ice in my water
3. Most of you probably already know this, but....I would love to have twins one boy and one girl!!
Four movies/TV shows I love?
1. House
2. Americas Next top model
3. When a man loves a woman
4. Sex and the City
Four Books I love?
1. The Automatic Millionaire
2. Devil Wears Prada
3. Fitness Magazines
4. Other peoples blogs... those are like books, right?!?!
Four Jobs I have had?
1. Decorator- KenCraft
2. Purchasing Manager - Home Financial Network (loved that job)
3. Operations Manager - QComm (hated it)
4. Personal Trainer/Aerobics Instructor
Four Places I have lived?
1. Lehi, UT
2. San Diego, CA (just for a summer... but it still counts!!)
3. Saratoga Springs, UT
4. Alpine, UT (current)
Five of my favorite foods?
1. Disneylands Monte Cristo....DELUXE!
2. Pizza, I love pizza
3. This is a new fav.... spinach leaves, ground turkey, salsa, black beans..... and presto, the yummiest salad.. thanks Nichole!!!
4. Italian, loves me some pasta
5. Ice cream, or anything sweet for that matter (the reason for the 10 lbs. comment above...LOL)
Bloggers I am tagging.......
1. Amber
2. Andrea
3. Emily
Mo, you tagged me and I have already done it. I think it's a couple of pages back. Every time I see When a man loves a woman, I think of you.
HEY MO...how's it going..Nat sent this to me too but I'm confused and I can't leave her a comment..is this suppose to show up on my page and I fill it out or am I suppose to rewrite it and answer??? CONFUSED!!!!!!!!!:) jaimee
I am completely with you on the late thing, it drives me crazy to be late or wait for someone who is late, but most people already know that. I am very impressed you got all of your list done, I just make a list and never get it all done. And I hope you get your twins,that would be hard but very fun.
My dearest Amber....so sorry to tag you again, I just love to hear all about you!!! :)
Jaimee, I have called Natalie a got her all straighted out, you can now comment her! And I did just retype and answer. Good Luck
Don't you think the first set of twins you got could be contributing to that infamous last 10 pounds you are always trying to lose...? HAHA.... Baby twins would be so much fun and you and Ray will have the cutest babies... although having twins could possibly change that infamous 10 to 20... LOL
http://thecutestblogontheblock.com/index.php... check it out!!!
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