Thursday, April 3, 2008

Happy 31st!!

Oh my!! 31.....this means I am closer to 40 than I will ever be to 20!!

This year my Birthday was really low key. Ray and I were able to spend the day together watching movies and poppin corn, it was so relaxing and nice since I don't get much time with my hubby with all the traveling he does lately! Then we went to my moms for dinner and cheesecake...YUM!
My mom was so excited about my gift and I couldn't imagine what she would have gotten me since I told her "don't get me anything". She insisted that I open my gift before I did as my mom said....and as I open the package....I pull out this dog purse! My mom says "don't you just love it".....and I couldn't lie, so I tell her NO, I would never wear this! At this point I have figured that the woman has lost it! Then Ray proceeds to say...."look honey you can wear the collar as a headband"!! What the........!!!!! Okay so my mom has official lost it thinking I would like such an awful purse, what am I 5!!! LOL Then my sister pipes in, I paid for 1/2, we saw it and totally thought of you....(all I could keep thinking is...."you both should not have wasted your money")!

Well not much time goes by and I am just thinking to my self..... hmmmm not sure what to think actually!! Then my mom walks around the corner with a very cute purse.....much more my style!! We all start to laugh and she tells me that since I was so brutally honest in my dislike of the puppy purse, she better not drag out giving me the real gift!! LOL It is a funny story now! Oh and the purse was filled with so much candy........

Thanks mom for a great funny memory (and a great white out friends and family this thing could be yours one day)!! And thanks so much for the Buttercup purse that I totally love!
Don't want to forget Rays gift to me....he bought me a fuel belt for when I go running....he knows his girl needs to stay well hydrated!! I love it!! It is the exact color I wanted and everything! Thanks sweetie, you are the bestest!


Amber said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I had it on my calendar, but never called. Please forgive! Looks like you had a fun day. I love the dog purse!

Bruni Bunch said...

That is funny!!! I don't know how they gave it to you without cracking up. I love playing jokes like that, I just have the hardest time keeping a straight face.

Rachel said...

That purse is hot! ;)

Email me and I will invite you to my blog.

Larsens said...

That is a funny story. I'm glad the gift ended up being really cute, and not that hideous dog thingy.
Happy Birthday again. 30s is not that bad. Let's not even talk about 40s.

Kandace said...

LOL!!! That bag?!?!?! What am I talking about? I want to borrow it!

Andrea said...

Happy Birthday Monica!! Josh was suppose to tell you that for me in his text cause my phone wasnt working but apparently he didn't! So happy late birthday from ME!! I hope you had a great one. We need to all go out sometime and make up for all of our birthday's :)