Friday, April 11, 2008


So last night Braxton and a friend were up on the hill playing and I just kept thinking that I should have them come in.....which I did! About 45 minutes later one of the neighbors calls me to tell me that a mountain lion was spotted next to our home, right about where the boys were playing......SCARY! I am glad that I listened to my instincts and had them come in. The police had spot lights on the front and back of my house searching for this crazy such luck though, they found tracks, but never found the mountain lion! Needless to say.....I don't go out in the dark and I am keeping a close eye on my dog.....and it will be a long time before I let Braxton walk to school through the cemetery....or even play on the hill!! Brax and I have read up on what to do if you encounter a mountain lion....and you should keep eye contact and you should lift your arms above your head and if you have a jacket also lift that up so you appear to be larger!!
I now feel certified!! LOL....okay not really because tonight I had to grab something out of the car and I heard some rustling in the bushes and glance over to see a large animal.......what did I do? Did I stay still to stare the animal down and lift my arms.....NOPE, I ran like a little girl (screaming excluded), I did look back briefly and it was not a mountain lion, it was just another deer!!


Amber said...

Oh my gosh, I would have shat my pants! When we lived in Lindon there were always Mt. Lions and I was so scared! I read up on the same info and would walk from my car to the house like some sort of idiot with my arms waving and all for 1/2 the way and then I would give up and run like a scared kitten.

s.s parker said...

you have mountain lions we have gators! I wanted to get together when I was there, but it was non-stop action with saylor and isaac. I'll be back in June for my class reunion..scary!! take care

Larsens said...

That's scary. The only scary animals in our yard are rollie pollies and occasional spiders.